Keeping up with good dental hygiene practices should always be prioritized. In fact, failure to do so can create infections and open the door for bacteria to form and spread. Neglecting oral health can eventually result in serious consequences such as gum disease. So what is gum disease and how can it threaten your smile?
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection that starts in the gums due to the overgrowth of bacteria. This bacteria can be found in existing dental plaque that is left behind in the mouth. If hygiene habits are neglected, bacteria is given free reign to spread and fester, eventually resulting in gum disease.
Once gum disease is present in the mouth it can easily progress and destroy a person’s smile. Although this infection is easily treatable and reversible in its early stages, if left untreated it may end up loosening teeth, causing them to fall out. This occurs when the infection destroys the tissues that surround the healthy teeth.
Symptoms of gum disease include:
As mentioned, gum disease can gravely affect the aesthetic look of the smile and even cause teeth to fall out. If treatment is neglected in its early stages, damage may be irreversible and permanent – requiring reconstructive treatment to repair the smile to it’s full capacity.
Although gum disease may not seem threatening due to its slow progression, failure to get professional treatment can end in serious repercussions. In fact, gum disease that is left to progress will weaken the bone – allowing the infection to spread rapidly.
So not only does gum disease have the power to destroy the aesthetic look of the smile, but it can also damage oral function – making it difficult to speak and chew.
If you believe that you may have gum disease or are in need of a dental cleaning, contact Dr. Svoboda in Park Place Dental Centre for an appointment. Our Brampton, ON dentist and staff are here to help you restore your oral health. Dr. Svoboda will ensure that you get the personalized treatment needed to get you back on track. Call us today to get started! Your health is our priority.
Dr. Emil Svoboda
110 Queen Street East
Brampton, ON
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Monday: 9AM – 8PM
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Thursday: 9AM – 8PM
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Saturday: 9AM – 5PM
Sunday: Closed